• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Items
  • 4 Review
  • 5 Pay
  • 6 Confirm
  • 7 Finish
Entries for Jr. Fair and Open Class Livestock/Fine Arts/Domestic Arts/Agricultural Departments in the Coliseum, MUST be made be  on-line. If you have questions about making, changing or deleting entries please contact us at: www.openentries@darkecountyfair.com
FFA Shop & Crop entries must be made on-line by August 13th by 9:00 p.m.
Non-Voting fair tickets (Season Pass) may be purchased on this site. Tickets can be purchased under "Items" once you have set-up an account. An email will be sent requesting name(s) for Fair Tickets that are purchased. Tickets will be mailed to the address that the account is set-up with. All non-voting tickets (Season Pass) can be turned into voting tickets, for Darke County residents, at the Secretary's Office.